Coffee Chart


Coffee Chart keeps track of who's been buying coffees within your registered group.

That could be a bunch of co-workers, friends, or even enemies who really like coffee.

When you buy a coffee for someone in the group, log it on Coffee Chart and your balance will increase by 1, while their balance decreases by 1. Anyone in the group can buy you a coffee, and once they log it here, your Coffee Balance goes back down by 1.

Everyone in the group can view a chart showing the current balances.

The person who set up your coffee group can set limits of how far in debt/credit users are allowed to go. Full transaction history for your group can be viewed at any time.

To join a group you'll need the pin number from the person who set up your coffee group. Once you have that, create an account above to get started. Or, use the pin to view your groups balances without logging in.